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Collection of local stories

25 July 2024

The Vallhonrat Museum Foundation has opted to innovate and expand Rubí's history with a collection of children's stories, which, on this occasion, are about the museum space itself, facts and local traditions with the aim that boys and girls identify and learn part of history and the elderly enjoy sharing moments of reading, activities and memories, creating a quiet and familiar intergenerational space.

With a circulation of 500 copies, the collection began in early 2022 with the story I came to the Museum, which nicely presents each of the museum's rooms.

That same year, 2022, and to commemorate the tragic riarada, the story 1962, la riarada that was presented at the end of that same year, tells of that event that took place in the Rubinense municipality and that so many families lived and suffered.

In subsequent editions, la bota tona has been published due to the importance of wine in Rubí, Els colors del jardí, to make children aware of taking care of our environment and nature, L'avi Quim, since our grandfathers and grandmothers are the ones who have known first-hand the objects of the museum, La noia que viu al museu in recognition of the exclusive tasks that women had in ancient times, Miquel Vallhonrat collector and many more stories that we will be editing little by little.

As has always been done, the stories will be distributed free of charge to the municipal library, to day centers and residences for the elderly, to all educational lines of Rubí schools and to boys and girls between 4 and 10 years old. to stop by Fincas Vallhonrat to pick it up, during office hours, while supplies last.


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History of the Museum

The origins of the Ethnographic Museum Vallhonrat of Rubí back to the middle of the last century when Miquel Vallhonrat Brau started in the world of collecting, initially with family pieces from the early eighteenth century. He subsequently received input from customers and rubinenses.

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